Returns & Refund Policy
Returns & Refund Policy
Returns Period
If you are not entirely happy with your purchase you can return for a full refund to the original payment within 14 days of purchase as long as the goods are Unused and are returned in their Original Packaging.
Once we have received the product(s) and if appropriate, any packaging, a refund will be credited to the payment card account within 2 weeks. Please note that it may take up to 14 days for your bank to credit your account. We are not liable, and cannot take responsibility for, any bank charges that you may incur during the refund process.
Please make sure we receive your returned items, within 14 days from the day you receive them, to be refunded in full via the original payment method.
Returns Outside the Return Period
If you return your purchase by post or courier after the periods outlined above (with the exception of faulty or damaged goods), we reserve the right not to offer you a refund in full.
We may instead return your purchase to you. Prior to sending it, you will be charged the delivery fee applicable to the products and your location.
Delivery Charges on Refunds
The buyer will be responsible for all Return postage charges.
Damaged/Defective/Incorrect Goods
Any goods supplied Defective or Incorrect will be replaced as soon as possible.
We will need to be notified immediately of any damaged items, we may request images of the damage for courier insurance purposes.